Wednesday, September 22, 2010

DNA Precipitation Lab Discussion

A) Discussion:
The resluts of the DNA precipitation lab were approximately what I had predicted. My earlier predictions included that I would receive a transparent little knot of precipitated DNA, and that part was true. My group and I performed every part of the procedure correctly, and precisely, which allowed each of us to obtain favorable results.

B) Possible Sources of Error:
-Ate a chicken sandwhich during brunch, and precipitated the DNA of a chicken.
-No cheek cells were extracted from mouth, so there was no DNA to precipitate.
-Lab table member accidently contaminated the lysis buffer pipette with his or her DNA by dipping pipette into their test tube.
-The inverting of the tube was not intense enough, and the lysis buffer was not thoroughly mixed in. Thus the cell membranes were not dissolved and the DNA never left the cell.
-We did not add enough Protease, and the DNASE survived to kill all of my DNA.
-The inverting of the tube with the protease was too intense, and all of he DNA stuck to the sides of the tube.
-I accidentally removed the tube from the hot water bath too soon, so the necessary chemical reactions did not occur.
-Read the directions incorrectly, and added 10 microliters instead of 10 milliliters.
-When placing the precipiataed DNA in the supercool class necklace, applied too much pressure to the glass case itself and the glass broke in my hand.

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