Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Genetically Modified Organism Discussion

Our gel did not reveal the results of this test, so our experiment did not work. However, we were able to analyze the gel of fourth period table two, and the results indicated that their test food was not genetically modified. Their number three band corresponded directly with their number five band on the gel, thus indicating its organic status. Even though the test food appeared to be organic, Mr. Chugh's corn flower band (number four) corresponded with the number six band on the gel. This means that The cornflower (test food two) is genetically modified.
Sources of Error:
-Ran Gel for too long, so DNA and the loading dye ran off the Gel.
-Did not crush test food well enough, causing the chunks to be too big to fit into the pipette, which caused no lettuce to be analyzed by PCR or Gel Electrophoresis.
-Accidentally extracted leftover DNA from the previous class's mortar and pestle.
-Added too little loading dye, and the DNA is not visible on the gel.
-Missed the wells when adding the DNA into the gel.

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