Friday, November 19, 2010

Discussing The Strategic Use Of Microarrays In The Study Of Lung Cancer Genes

A) Results: From the gene chip our lab group was able to determine that: Genes 1, 2, and 5 were active in in the cancer cells, Genes 2,3, and 6 were expressed in cells obtained from healthy tissue, and also that Gene 4 was express in neither the healthy cells nor the cancerous cells. We were able to tell this becauseof the colors of each gene on the slide. Genes 1 and 5 were pink (pink means expressed only in cancer), Genes 3 and 6 were blue (blue means only expressed in healthy cells) , Gene 2 was purple (this represents expression in both healthy and cancerous), and Gene 4 was clear (expressed in neither).

B) Sources of Error:
- Not enough of the cDNA was added, and the true color of the gene was not shown.
- The genes from the gene chip were not accurate, and we tested the expression of the wrong gene.
- We pipetted too much of the cDNA, and the slide overflowed, thus we were unable to get an accurate reading of the expression of the certain gene.
- We left the gel in the pipette for too long so it hardened and less than 20 microliters was exposed to the slide.

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