Monday, November 1, 2010

The Sticky Ends Justify The Means Discussion

A) During Day one of the lab, our lab table acquired the DNA of the five suspects, and the DNA found at the crime scene. The purpose of the experiment was to identify the culprit by matching the DNA found at the scene with the DNA of the five suspects using Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphism. After acquiring the DNA, we added restriction enzymes to the tubes, flicked/tapped them, and placed them in a hot water bath for 30 minutes. On Day two we ran the newly cut DNA through a gel, and visually compared the samples using loading dye to stain the DNA (make it visible), and attracting the fragments to the positive end through Gel electrophoresis. Gel electrophoresis functions by pulling fragments of DNA (negatively charged) through the gel matrix towards the red end (positive), run to red. On Day three, our group was able to compare the DNA of the five suspects with the DNA found at the crime scene. We were able to positively identify Chloe Krey as the culprit in this crime scene.

B) Possible Sources of Error:
- We did not add enough loading Dye so the DNA fragments were not visual.
- Accidentally scraped off a skin cell into a test tube, and my DNA was analyzed instead of a suspect's DNA.
- We did not add enough DNA to the tube, and thus not enough substance was present for DNA to become fully visible.
- Accidentally added the wrong suspects DNA into the wrong well, and the wrong suspect was 'proven' guilty by the DNA evidence.
- Accidentally added the food coloring in place of the Loading Dye, and the DNA was not properly stained thus leading to an inaccurate reading.

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