Monday, April 11, 2011

Studying The Secret of Life; The Use of Proteomics In The Testing of Marketplace Sushi

A) Although life on earth is unable to function without one of the four important macromolecule (lipids, carbohydrates, proteins, and nucleic acids), Proteins are possibly the most important of the group when it comes to human life. Proteins are utilized by every organ of the human body, and carry out numerous important, specific functions which are vital to the human body. Proteins are not only linked with current human life, as they have played a large role in evolution and the past history of every species in the world. Proteomics is the study of proteins. Although the acalanes period three biotechnology class has used the process of genomics before in the classroom, they have yet to experience the use of proteomics in their studies. Proteomics can be used in the study of evolution, bodily functions, and numerous other important biological observations/experiments. The central Dogma of biology is DNA to RNA to Protein, with the main molecule being protein as it carries out vital tasks in the human body.

B) The purpose of this experiment is to analyze the muscle proteins (actin and myosin) in fish species to determine how closely related they are to each other.

C) To successfully complete this experiment, our lab table will need to complete a number of tasks. To extract the actin and myosin from the fish, we will need to grind up the muscle. Upon grinding up the muscle, we will run the proteins in a gel and visually compare them. The more similar the banding patterns of the fish, the more related they are, and the more different the banding patterns are, the less closely related the fish are to each other.

D) For this experiment, I predict that we will be successful. Although I am unsure of what fish we will be testing, and because of this I am uncertain about the results, I believe that the results will be accurate, and we will learn something new as a lab table.

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